Kick Butts Day #iKickButts

More than 400,000 people in the United States will die this year from a tobacco-related disease.

On March 16, Kick Butts Day— iASK Irvington is taking a stand to stop youth from getting hooked on deadly tobacco products. We know that 90% of smokers start using tobacco regularly by the time they are 18. Isn’t this astonishing?

So in order to give kids a fighting chance, we plan to join thousands of students across the country who are taking part in Kick Butts Day, a nationwide initiative that makes students leaders in the effort to stop youth tobacco use. As part of the Kick Butts Day celebration, iASK will share messaging across social media (Twitter & Facebook).

There are many effective ways state and local officials can protect young people from tobacco. They can use funds from the states’ 1998 legal settlement with the tobacco companies to pay for tobacco prevention programs; they can increase tobacco taxes; and they can pass smokefree laws to protect us from secondhand smoke.

Consider these facts: Each day, more than 1,000 kids become new regular smokers; roughly one-third of them will die prematurely from a tobacco-related disease. Today’s youth are not just part of the problem; they’re part of the solution. And the students from Irvington want tobacco companies to know that on Kick Butts Day and every day throughout the year, we’re going to fight them every step of the way!

The Impacts of Alcohol, Drugs, and Stress: A Must-Attend Parent Program

The Impacts of Alcohol, Drugs, and Stress: A Must-Attend Parent Program

The teen brain… 110 mph on the highway, music blaring, open containers, four teens in the car…why do adolescents find drinking alcohol and engaging in high-risk behaviors so attractive?  What are the reasons that teens are vulnerable to stress?

Michael Nerney, an internationally recognized consultant with over 30 years of experience, will discuss these topics and more! Sponsored by iASK-CAB and the Village of Irvington.

Register now.

Mike Nerney


Pizza Box Prevention Campaign

Pizza Sticker FinalThe Irvington Middle School Positive Impact Club participated in an event last week to spread messages of prevention to the Irvington community. 

The club advisor, Jennifer Traditi (IMS Student Assistance Counselor), accompanied nine students on an awareness campaign with two local pizzerias- Nick’s Pizza on Main St. and Capri Pizza in Tarrytown.  The activity involved the students placing stickers on over 650 pizza boxes with each sticker promoting a message to Irvington parents about keeping their children safe, healthy, and free from alcohol & other drugs.

This event was sponsored and supported by the iASK-CAB and the Irvington Recreation Department. This was an excellent example of collaboration between the Irvington schools, local business, students, parents, & the Irvington community as a whole.

Research shows that preteens & teens are less likely to drink alcohol or use drugs if they clearly know their parents disapprove. Talk to your children soon & often about the dangers of underage alcohol use & drug use.

October is National Medicine Abuse Awareness Month

This informational video was developed by CADCA, in partnership with the Consumer Healthcare Products Association, as part of its efforts to raise awareness about a dangerous trend among teens: the abuse of over-the-counter cold and cough medicine. The video can be used by coalitions at meetings with parents, teachers and other adults, and during community forums or town hall meetings.

Read More

The Developing Brain

Over the last decade, medical research has told us that alcohol can have an adverse effect on  a teen’s brain. But how? This article by Talk2Prevent, an initiative sponsored by New York State Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) will give you that information. Click here to read it.


A National Response to the Opiate/Heroin Problem

By now, everyone is aware of the problem that prescription drugs, more particularly opiates, have created in our nation. Many communities, through their local community coalitions, have worked tirelessly to get information out through media, forums, workshops and social media. MedReturn boxes are present in many communities but there is still so much work to do. Yesterday, President Obama had a press conference on this issue and set forth a detailed and extensive plan to aid communities in this fight. Click here to read the President’s plan