I heard people say they drive better when they are high. Is that possible?That is not possible. Marijuana can limit the brain’s ability to react to situations quickly and logically which can impair driving ability.

How can marijuana be harmful to me when it’s used as medicine by others? Learn more.
What should I do if I’m at a party where people are using marijuana or alcohol? Learn more.
Some kids at school drink or use marijuana and they seem fine. What’s the big deal?
I heard marijuana is not as bad if it’s just in a brownie…right?
Consuming marijuana-infused food and drinks can pose an even greater risk to your health and safety. Learn more.
Some kids at school drink or use marijuana and they seem fine. What’s the big deal?
The effects of marijuana use at your age are hard to see. Just because someone seems fine doesn’t mean they aren’t being affected. A person’s brain is still developing into their twenties. Learn more.