New Study Finds Parental Marijuana Use Increases Substance Use in Children

new study published by Bertha K. Madras, PhD, Beth Han, MD, PhD, MPH, Wilson M. Compton, MD, MPE, Elinore F. McCance-Katz, MD, PhD, Christopher M. Jones, PharmD, DrPH, MPH and Elizabeth I. Lopez, PhD in the Journal of the American Medical Association finds a link between parental marijuana use and youth substance use. The study found that parental marijuana use was associated with increased risk of marijuana and tobacco use and opioid misuse by both adolescent and young adult offspring, and of alcohol use by adolescent offspring.

“CADCA believes that we must utilize the most up-to-date evidence-based research to influence our work in community coalitions throughout the world. We’re grateful to the authors of this new research study, which provides context for our prevention strategies.” said General Arthur T. Dean, CADCA’s Chairman and CEO.

Read more.

It’s Summer Break…

Summer is upon us and the American Academy of Pediatrics is urging parents to set firm rules against teen drinking.

In an updated policy statement, the group noted studies have found that people who begin drinking at a younger age are more likely to have an alcohol use disorder later in life, regardless of their gender or race.

“The teen years are a critical time for brain growth, when connections responsible for emotional regulation, planning and organization are being formed and fine-tuned,” Joanna Quigley, MD, lead author of the policy statement, said in a news release. “Alcohol paves a pathway for addiction when the brain is still maturing, affecting the area that governs decision-making. As parents, we don’t want to downplay those risks, but keep the conversations open and model healthy habits.”

Check out the Parent’s Guide for Underage Drinking to learn about the risks of underage drinking and how you can talk to your teens and set firm rules against drinking.

2019 iASK-CAB Community Leadership Recognition Award

On Monday, June , 2019  the Village of Irvington and iASK-CAB presented 11 Irvington High School Juniors with the iASK-CAB Community Leadership Recognition Award.  The award, presented annually, recognizes high school students who have demonstrated service and leadership in the community.  In particular, the award is presented to high school students in recognition of their time and commitment to caring about and working with their peers to promote healthy, responsible and safe choices.  The 2018-2019 recipients are:

  • Ben Birkhahn
  • Aidan Daly
  • Elliott Dwyer
  • Kyle Egloff
  • Jack Grados
  • Josh Hunt
  • Abby Krieger
  • Brant Steinberg
  • Janeeta Shaukat
  • Bella Smith
  • Clementine Whitney

Congratulations to all the award recipients!

Parents… What do you think?

iASK-CAB has developed a community-wide survey to gather parent opinions regarding teen drug and alcohol use. The Coalition plans to use the survey data in tandem with student survey results to further refine its strategic plan.  All collected data will be kept strictly confidential.  The survey link will be live until June 7th and should take just a few minutes to complete. Thank you!

Take survey.