iASK CAB Meeting
Monthly meeting of community members to promote the prevention of underage drinking and drug use among youth. For more information contact info@iask-cab.org.
Monthly meeting of community members to promote the prevention of underage drinking and drug use among youth. For more information contact info@iask-cab.org.
Bring expired and/or unused prescription drugs for safe disposal.
The CAB holds monthly meetings which include IMS and IHS teens, and members from various groups in our community. If you are a teen or adult and would like to attend, please email our co-chairs, Allyson Felix - allysonfk5@gmail.com or Tanya Hunt - bghunt23@optonline.net for more information!
Monthly meeting of community members to promote the prevention of underage drinking and drug use among youth. For more information contact info@iask-cab.org.
Unable to attend? Visit one of these permanent locations in Westchester:
Turn in your unused or expired prescription medication for safe disposal. Saturday, December 2, 10am - 2pm Irvington Police Department, 85 Main St. Steps to Take Step 1: Collect unused or expired medication from your home. Allowed Prescription Medications Prescription Ointments Prescription Patches Over the Counter Medications Vitamins Samples Pet Medications Prohibited Sharps (needles) Thermometers Hydrogen Peroxide […]
Presented by Dr. Stephen Dewey, the first part of the evening will use actual PET images to show how alcohol and drug use affects the developing adolescent brain. The discussion will include information about energy drinks, caffeine, vaping, marijuana, prescription medications and other drugs. Learn the science! Register now.