How to Deal with Mid-Term Stress

With Mid-Term Season upon us, many IHS students are feeling stressed. Research has shown that teenagers experiencing significant stress are…

~ At a higher risk for physical or mental illness

~Twice as likely to smoke, drink alcohol, binge drink, & use illegal drugs

Tips to Help Your Teen Manage Stress:

1) Teach them to budget their time. Help them to develop a “to-do” list and prioritize what needs to get done 1st, 2nd, and so on.

2) Encourage them to balance work and “play” by scheduling regular breaks in their study schedule.

3) Encourage them to regularly use healthy stress-relievers

(i.e. exercise, meditation, listening to music, drawing/coloring, etc.)


Source: Jennifer Nunziato (Traditi), LMHC, Student Assistance Counselor, Irvington High School & Middle School

Phone: 914-269-5469

The Impacts of Alcohol, Drugs, and Stress: A Must-Attend Parent Program

The Impacts of Alcohol, Drugs, and Stress: A Must-Attend Parent Program

The teen brain… 110 mph on the highway, music blaring, open containers, four teens in the car…why do adolescents find drinking alcohol and engaging in high-risk behaviors so attractive?  What are the reasons that teens are vulnerable to stress?

Michael Nerney, an internationally recognized consultant with over 30 years of experience, will discuss these topics and more! Sponsored by iASK-CAB and the Village of Irvington.

Register now.

Mike Nerney